The film, based on the Prince of Persia video games, stars Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain), Sir Ben Kingsley (Ghandi), Alfred Molina (Spider-Man 2) and Gemma Arterton (Clash of the Titans, Quantum of Solace). The movie was produced by action kingpin Jerry Bruckheimer (Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy, National Treasure movies) and directed by Mike Newell (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire).
While somewhat panned by critics, the film was said to have done well enough for a possible sequel (that's still up in the air). Actually, despite some casting controversy, it's a very engaging family film.
Bonus material includes the Combo-Pack exclusive "Sands of Time" feature, giving fans control of the Dagger of Time, allowing them to rewind time and uncover behind-the-scenes bits in more than 40 segments.
Bonus Features:
- "An Unseen World: Making Prince of Persia" – A look behind the scenes on the set of the film. (DVD, Blu-Ray, Combo Pack)
- Deleted Scene – The Banquet: Garsiv Presents Heads (Blu-ray, Combo Pack)
- "CineExplore: The Sands of Time" – Take control of the dagger and use it to unlock secrets behind the scenes. (Combo Pack only)
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